Step 2: Now that you have found the section of the tree that you'd like to draw in your sketchbook, visualize the negative areas in your mind. Pay close attention to every "open" space between the branches; these are the negative spaces which you will be drawing. I suggest focusing on the medium to large sized branches and ignoring the "twigs".
Step 3: In your sketchbook, begin drawing the negative spaces as they appear in the trees you are drawing. Take your time and make sure that every negative space that you draw is accurate in shape and size to the real thing. You should have something similar to the example above. Notice that you will begin to "draw" the tree without really drawing the tree.
ART 3 - We are starting our still life drawings on Wednesday. You are to bring one object to class from your home which represents your personality. It must be small enough to carry to school and large enough to be easily seen in the still life setup which I will have in class.