Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wire Sculpture Figurines

Wire Gesture Sculptures
Objectives: Students will:
*Learn about Human proportion
*Discuss the Principle- Balance- in relation to 3-dimensional forms
*Learn about gesture sketching, as well as action poses.

*18 gauge aluminum wire
*2x4’s cut into squares, or other object for bases. (We will use a heavy duty stapler to attach figures to base)
*Wire cutters
*Twist-eez colored wire, or telephone/cable wires (optional)

*Students will draw from life - then turn one of their sketches into a three dimensional work of art.

*Begin by discussing proportion in the human body- how long the arms and legs are, how wide is the torso, how many heads are in a body, etc. Also discuss the joints- neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, hips, ankles.
*Talk about movement and action within a person. What are interesting actions, or movement? Bring up dancing, sports, etc.
*Have students think of several different ideas for an action pose, to use for their sculpture.
Get students warmed up by discussing and practicing gesture sketches- so they get the basic ideas of the body.
*To begin, the students start with the body part touching the base (the foot - if the figure is standing).
*From the foot the student’s need to create a “bone.”
*The bone will go up to the hip, and then the students will create “muscle” (wrapping the wire down the bone, and back up to end at the hip).
*Students then create a hip to go to the other leg, create a bone, foot and then muscle. *Create a spine, then wrap the muscle down the spine, and backup to end at the neck. Remember to compare your figure's proportions; the torso should be wider in size than the legs, as it is in real life.
*This continues for the whole body, and then the students make the head last.
*Tuck the end of the wire into the body.

Critique work - discuss work of Alexander Calder and contemporary wire sculpture - Compare and contrast student work to the work of Calder and others.
This will be the last project due before summer break. I will post the exact deadline later.
Talk to me if there are any problems. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!!!
-Mr. Kelley

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